
How much do you know about PAD (Peripheral Artery Disease)?

Nearly 10 million Americans suffer from the circulatory condition Peripheral Artery Disease, or PAD. PAD occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries and limits blood flow to the lower extremities. This limited blood flow causes poor circulation, which if left un-treated, can severely damage foot and leg tissue, sometimes resulting in non-healing ulcers. When [...]

By |May 29th, 2024|News, PAD|

How can walking help with Peripheral Artery Disease?

As the weather is warming up now, it’s a great time to get outside for a walk. Walking is an excellent form of exercise, especially if you are one of the estimated eight to ten million Americans who are living with Peripheral Artery Disease, or PAD. PAD is a condition caused by the narrowing of [...]

By |March 22nd, 2023|News, PAD|

How are Diabetes, PAD and Foot Ulcers Related?

According to the Society for Vascular Surgery, Peripheral Artery Disease (or PAD) is a chronic circulatory condition that affects up to 10 million Americans.  September is PAD Awareness Month and CTVS aims to educate people about this condition in hopes of driving those numbers down. PAD can be a serious condition that causes narrowing of [...]

By |September 21st, 2022|News, PAD|

Smoking May Cause Limb Loss and Amputation

The effects of smoking can lead to considerable damage on every organ and system throughout the body, including the blood vessels. Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict and narrow the arteries which leads to poor circulation and high blood pressure, often resulting in a condition known as PAD (peripheral artery disease), something our cardiothoracic and [...]

How Diabetes Damages Blood Vessels Causing Risk for PAD

Research shows that approximately one out of four Americans does not realize that they have diabetes. For this reason, it is often referred to as a “silent” disease. Diabetes increases the level of glucose, or sugar, in the blood to dangerous levels and can occur in one of two forms:  Type 1 which is genetic, [...]

By |March 9th, 2022|News, PAD|

Treating Diabetes Complications and Preventing Amputation

Diabetes on its own is a challenging condition to manage which requires you to constantly monitor your diet and keep blood sugar and insulin levels in a good range. Patients with diabetes are also at increased risk for a variety of other medical complications, such as peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease (PAD). Both of [...]

By |December 15th, 2021|News, PAD|

How Dr. Foteh and Effective PAD Treatment Kept This Unicyclist Cycling

Riding a unicycle requires skill, coordination, balance, and above all else, the use of both legs. Imagine being passionate about your hobby of unicycling and facing the loss of a leg to amputation due to a vascular condition known as PAD, or peripheral artery disease. This scenario was one that CTVS patient Duane Campbell--an avid [...]

By |May 19th, 2021|News, PAD|

CTVS Offers Options for Limb Salvage Treatment Ahead of Amputation

Loss of a limb can be both physically and mentally traumatic. Unfortunately it is often necessary to save a patient’s life. Amputation of a limb may be needed when there is serious infection, a wound that won’t heal, or poor circulation (typically in the legs) that causes tissue to die. Lower leg ischemia is the [...]

CTVS Sheds Light on Peripheral Artery Disease

If you have unexplained leg pain or wounds to your feet or toes that struggle to heal, you could be suffering from Peripheral Artery Disease, or PAD. PAD is when the arteries of the legs or other extremities become narrow or clogged leading to poor circulation. 10 million Americans currently suffer from PAD, according to [...]

By |September 11th, 2020|News, PAD|
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