Cardiac Surgery

Home/Cardiac Surgery

CTVS Treats Heart Failure with Expanded Team

Heart failure is a chronic condition that occurs when the heart can no longer operate efficiently on its own, or effectively pump blood throughout the body. Signs of heart failure may include difficulty breathing, a racing heartbeat/heart palpitations, fatigue, or unexplained swelling. If left untreated, this condition can prove life-threatening. Most people would assume that [...]

The link between high blood pressure and aortic aneurysms

An aortic aneurysm is a very serious condition that occurs when the aorta (the largest artery in the body that comes off the heart) develops a bulb-like formation. If the aneurysm is not treated appropriately, it can rupture or lead to an aortic dissection, causing blood to dangerously leak out of the aorta and prove [...]

By |September 26th, 2024|Cardiac Surgery, News|

A Patient’s Journey Through Sudden Heart Failure to a Life-Saving Heart Transplant

One of the most common health issues facing men is heart disease. A precursor to heart attacks and heart failure, heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in men over recent years. Unfortunately, even if you are presumably healthy, with no history or obvious symptoms of heart disease, it still may be [...]

Reviewing the Ross Procedure with Dr. Kerendi

The Ross procedure is a complex operation designed to replace a diseased or damaged aortic valve. This unique surgery relies on a patient's own existing tissue, the pulmonary valve, to replace the aortic valve rather than using an artificial valve. The Ross procedure is only performed by a handful of skilled, board-certified cardiothoracic surgeons nationwide [...]

A Closer Look at ECMO & VAD in Honor of American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month and we are highlighting some of the important therapies we work with often to aid in repairing and/or extend the life of the heart. Our board-certified cardiothoracic surgeons perform procedures day in and day out to improve heart health and save lives. Some of these include administering technologies such as [...]

Young ICU Nurse’s Journey from Murmur Discovery to Heart Surgery

35-year-old Tamara Fort is an ICU nurse and what many would consider the epitome of good health.  She lifts weights three to four times a week and watches her nutrition closely.  She isn’t someone you would consider to be at risk for heart disease. But for the past two years, she experienced shortness of breath, [...]

Convergent Procedure Returns AFib Patient to Her Active, Healthy Lifestyle

A swimmer, hiker, and martial artist, you’d never guess 64-year-old Trisha McLaughlin struggled with an irregular heartbeat, congestive heart failure, and has undergone a number of heart procedures. She credits the Convergent Procedure performed by CTVS cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Faraz Kerendi for helping her get back to her healthy and active life. In her mid-50s, [...]

By |September 27th, 2023|Cardiac Surgery|

Men, Heart Disease and Bypass Surgery

Did you know that the leading cause of death for men in the United States is heart disease? Heart disease, or coronary artery disease, is most commonly diagnosed when the arteries that carry blood to the heart become blocked, resulting in serious conditions such as a heart attack. As June is Men’s Health Month, CTVS [...]

What should you know about Aortic Dissection?

A sharp and sudden chest pain could be caused by any number of issues, such as a heart attack. Another possibility, although extremely rare, is an aortic dissection. Aortic dissections are estimated to occur in about 5 to 30 people per every one million in the United States each year. It is one of the [...]

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