Vascular Surgery

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We’re Shining Light on Stroke Awareness Month and a Special Survivor

Stephen Galloway is no stranger to a health crisis. In 1991, he was a hazmat engineer who responded to a large, dangerous chemical spill in Galveston. Stephen sustained severe burns and suffered long-term health consequences due to the chemicals that he was exposed to, including painful neuropathy which later led to diabetes and near-blindness. Fast [...]

Think FAST to Recognize the Signs of Stroke

Last year, stroke cases were down nearly 40% due to fear of going to the hospital amid the pandemic. Yet there were still more than 159,000 deaths reported due to this common and sometimes deadly medical emergency that occurs when blood supply to the brain is blocked or a blood vessel in the brain bursts [...]

What’s the link between a vascular surgeon and spinal fusion surgery?

Vascular surgeons are experts in the diseases and conditions of arteries and veins and all major blood vessels of the body except those of the heart and brain.  Our expertise is in mobilizing, removing, repairing, and replacing these vessels.  CTVS has been providing vascular services in Central Texas for more than 65 years. Vascular surgeons [...]

CTVS Offers Options for Limb Salvage Treatment Ahead of Amputation

Loss of a limb can be both physically and mentally traumatic. Unfortunately it is often necessary to save a patient’s life. Amputation of a limb may be needed when there is serious infection, a wound that won’t heal, or poor circulation (typically in the legs) that causes tissue to die. Lower leg ischemia is the [...]

About Our Vascular Intervention Suite (VIS)

The vascular surgeons at CTVS are committed to providing state-of-the-art imaging and treatment options to help restore blood flow to the legs and feet of patients with poor circulation and clogged arteries. We’re doing this in the most convenient way through our in-office Vascular Intervention Suite (VIS). Our team uses sophisticated x-ray technology and equipment, [...]

CTVS 1st in Texas to Use TREO Device For Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeons (CTVS) has been making history for decades as pioneers performing several important first-ever medical procedures here in Central Texas. CTVS board-certified vascular surgeon Dr. Mazin Foteh is now the first in our region to use the Terumo TREO implant device to treat abdominal aortic aneurysms. Abdominal aortic aneurysms form when the [...]

Dialysis Patients Urged Not to Delay Treatment Due to COVID-19

Dialysis Patients Urged Not to Delay Treatment Due to COVID-19 CTVS wants to remind patients that we are still performing essential vascular surgical procedures associated with dialysis treatment to all those suffering from kidney failure or End Stage Renal Disease. Dialysis and hemodialysis treatments use medical equipment to take over the filtration of blood and [...]

Five Tips to Prevent DVT on Your Summer Road Trip

After several months cooped up due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and out of current fears of flying, many people are looking to hit the open road and travel by car for their summer vacation. “While traveling in your own personal car may help you avoid the virus en route to your destination, it is not [...]

Newer, less invasive procedure can help prevent a stroke

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States according to the American Stroke Association.  Most strokes are caused by a buildup of plaque that cause blockages in the brain, and how quickly you receive treatment plays a large part in your ability to recover. CTVS board certified vascular surgeon Dr. Mazin Foteh [...]

Can you spot the signs of a stroke?

In the United States, someone suffers from a stroke every 40 seconds while someone dies every four minutes (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention- CDC). This makes stroke one of the leading causes of long-term disability in our country.  Yet in a survey (conducted by the CDC), only 38% of people polled [...]

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