

What to Know About Benign Esophageal Diseases

At CTVS, our thoracic surgeons treat conditions affecting the esophagus including the most serious issue – esophageal cancer – and benign foregut disease like acid reflux (or GERD) and achalasia. What is GERD? GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease, or more commonly acid reflux, and refers to the occurrence of stomach acid routinely flowing backwards up into the esophagus from the stomach. If it happens often, the stomach acid can irritate the esophagus and lead to painful and chronic heartburn. To diagnose GERD, one of the following diagnostic studies may be ordered: Barium esophagram: an illuminating liquid helps to X-ray [...]

A Closer Look at ECMO & VAD in Honor of American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month and we are highlighting some of the important therapies we work with often to aid in repairing and/or extend the life of the heart. Our board-certified cardiothoracic surgeons perform procedures day in and day out to improve heart health and save lives. Some of these include administering technologies such as ECMO and VAD. Both are typically used as a last resort when other cardiac treatments have not proven successful or as a means to take over some of the work of the heart as a “bridge” to a heart transplant or other restorative procedures later [...]

February 28th, 2024|Cardiac Surgery, News|

What you should know about new lung cancer screening guidelines

Lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer in the United States, with approximately 125,000 lives estimated to be lost this year.  Because its symptoms are commonly associated with so many other conditions, like a cough and chest pain, lung cancer can be hard to diagnose. At CTVS, we are proponents of early screening for lung cancer, especially if you have certain risk factors such as being a smoker or having a family history, and our team of thoracic surgeons are experts in the surgical treatment of lung cancer if you are ever diagnosed. The American Cancer Society [...]

January 25th, 2024|Lung Cancer, News|

Young ICU Nurse’s Journey from Murmur Discovery to Heart Surgery

35-year-old Tamara Fort is an ICU nurse and what many would consider the epitome of good health.  She lifts weights three to four times a week and watches her nutrition closely.  She isn’t someone you would consider to be at risk for heart disease. But for the past two years, she experienced shortness of breath, and knew something wasn’t quite right. “I always chalked it up to some kind of respiratory infection that one of my three children would bring home,” she explains.  But then the shortness of breath intensified this past October, especially after her workouts. One morning she [...]

January 23rd, 2024|Cardiac Surgery, News|

Kudos to our Austin Monthly Top Doctors for 2024

We are humbled and honored to begin the new year with recognition from our peers in the local Austin medical community. CTVS is pleased to share that several members of our team of our board-certified cardiothoracic and vascular surgeons have been named to Austin Monthly magazine’s Top Doctors list for 2024. Our CTVS physicians recognized as Top Doctors for this year are: Cardiothoracic Surgery: W. Chance Conner Brendan P. Dewan Stephen J. Dewan Mark C. Felger Eric M. Hoenicke Faraz Kerendi Vascular Surgery: Jeffrey M. Apple John K. Politz  Austin Monthly’s Top Doctors are chosen each year with guidance from [...]

January 8th, 2024|Latest News|

Dr. Stephen Dewan Named 2023 TCMS Physician of the Year

CTVS is proud to announce that Dr. Stephen J. Dewan has been honored as this year’s Travis County Medical Society Physician of the Year for 2023. The Travis County Medical Society (TCMS) is a professional society of more than 4,000 physician members in and around Austin who are dedicated to causes affecting the local medical community. Dr. Dewan is a longtime member of TCMS and a board-certified cardiothoracic surgeon. He has been with CTVS since 1988 and specializes in valve repair and replacement, minimally invasive techniques, adult congenital heart disease, and cardiac arrhythmia surgery. “I am fortunate enough to love [...]

December 15th, 2023|News|

Announcing CTVS Texas Monthly Super Doctors for 2023

At this time of year we reflect on all that we are grateful for as a practice, and among those are always the accolades we receive from our medical peers and the patients who we serve. To that end, once again, CTVS is proud to announce that several of our physicians have been named as 2023 Super Doctors and Super Doctors Rising Stars in Texas Monthly. Super Doctors are chosen each year from across the state and a variety of medical specialties by MSP Communication via a lengthy assessment of peer reviews, patient feedback, and professional achievement. This year’s Texas [...]

December 8th, 2023|Latest News|

Athletes and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) is a condition our board certified vascular surgeons often see at the start of the new year when people are eager to get in shape and work out more. It is not uncommon, however, that we see this serious condition all year round in dedicated athletes. TOS can occur when the blood vessels and nerves in between the collarbone and upper ribs (or thoracic outlet) become compressed or irritated. This sudden compression may cause acute pain, numbness, or tingling through the neck, shoulders, arms, and fingers. It typically results from unexpected physical trauma, such as whiplash, [...]

December 6th, 2023|News|

World Stroke Day: What you Should Know About Stroke Risk Factors

According to the CDC, every 40 seconds someone suffers from a stroke in the United States.  Unfortunately, nearly every four seconds, someone also dies from one. A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted, causing parts of the body to rapidly weaken and/or stop functioning. At CTVS, stroke awareness and prevention is an important mission for us, as we want all of our patients and families to avoid this potentially life-threatening situation at all costs. In honor of World Stroke Day on October 29th our team of board-certified cardiothoracic and vascular surgeons is sharing a quick look [...]

October 16th, 2023|News, Vascular Surgery|

Convergent Procedure Returns AFib Patient to Her Active, Healthy Lifestyle

A swimmer, hiker, and martial artist, you’d never guess 64-year-old Trisha McLaughlin struggled with an irregular heartbeat, congestive heart failure, and has undergone a number of heart procedures. She credits the Convergent Procedure performed by CTVS cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Faraz Kerendi for helping her get back to her healthy and active life. In her mid-50s, Trisha noticed an irregular heartbeat and palpitations from time to time, and was initially told it could be a side effect of a medication she was taking, or even her age. She was losing her energetic self and even struggled with depression as her symptoms [...]

September 27th, 2023|Cardiac Surgery|
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